O-2 Visas for Aliens Accompanying the O-1 Visa Holder
This category is designed for aliens accompanying O-1 aliens who are athletes or work in the arts, motion picture or television industries. The O-2 visa, however, is not available for aliens accompanying scientists, educators or businessmen. In addition, O-2 visa holders can only work for an O-1 alien, and their visas must be applied for when that for the O-1 petitioner is made.
To qualify for O-2 visas, aliens must:
enter the United States solely to assist the O-1’s performance;
be integral parts of the actual performance;
have critical skills and experience with the O-1 alien that are not of a general nature and cannot be performed by American artists; and
have foreign residences that they do not intend to abandon.
O-2 Visas for Aliens accompanying the O-1 Visa Holder in the Motion Picture and Television Industries
According to 8 CFR §214.2(o)(4)(ii)(B), an O-2 alien must have skills and experience:
with the O-1 alien that are not of a general nature;
with the O-1 alien that are critical based on a long-standing, working relationship; or
that are essential to the successful completion of the production on which the O-1 visa holder will work.
USCIS’ regulations prohibit substitutions of all O-2 personnel.